Thursday, November 14, 2013

Driving on the wrong side of the road

Tuesday, we left Oxford for Liverpool and decided to add a little adventure to our lives (as if there wasn't enough) and rent a car for the three hour trip. I was very impressed with Chris' skills. There were only a couple times when Harrison had to yell out "LEFT SIDE", as I contributed a few outbursts of nervous laughter from the backseat. Who knew a country could have so many roundabouts! Sweet mother of pearl you have to have nerves of steel, or a touch of crazy to get behind the wheel on the wrong side of the car AND stay on the wrong side of the road. It just doesn't feel natural, even as a passenger. We arrived with no issues, checked into our hotel and walked next door to a tiny little casino. Harrison was our big winner!
Wednesday, we hit the Beattles Museum and then took a very brisk walk along the waterfront to another building that was all about the influence Elvis had on their music. The day exceeded my expectations. Then we got back in the car...let's just say the ride back to the hotel was a little quiet, except for a few nervous giggles from the backseat (me). I just couldn't help myself.
We ended up at the marina for some (you guessed it) fish and chips. I did break from the norm and ordered pork belly on a bed of mashed potatoes. Defintiely not from the 'lite' menu.
We turned in early so we could catch a 6:00 am flight to Dublin. There, we're renting another car and driving it to Dingle. Good times!
Getting their bearings before our car trip...good times

Rockin' out at the Beatles Museum in the "Cavern"

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